ketika tak bisa bicara, maka tuliskanlah, jika tak mampu menuliskan, maka tersenyumlah, setidaknya mereka tidak akan tahu jika kamu sedang tidak baik baik saja..


Rabu, 18 Maret 2015


My heart was closed
Cold. I was self conscious
And cynical

These are the pieces of my
Youth. The small secrets
And not - so - great
Expectations that desired
My coming of age

But through this craft
Through my love for
Writing. I discovered a
World outside of the small
Windowless one I had built
For my self. A world of
Soft spoken beauty

So here I am. Choosing to
Kick away the ladder so
That I may remain at your

I understand your solitude
I see your shadow
2009 Feb , TABLO

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aku tidak pandai bicara, menghitungpun aku tak pintar. lebih baik menuliskan agar bisa terdengar. maafkan segala kekurangan,terimakasih sudah membaca..