ketika tak bisa bicara, maka tuliskanlah, jika tak mampu menuliskan, maka tersenyumlah, setidaknya mereka tidak akan tahu jika kamu sedang tidak baik baik saja..


Minggu, 17 April 2016


First, don’t judge my wrong sentence. I still learn ^^
That night, cried. The catastrophe, tears and wanted running away.
Bandung’s night, the stars and starcase way. Setidaknya terimakasih, terimakasih. The old of you, or just another relationship, tak peduli apa itu. thank you, for always coming when I said ‘my brain will explode, saturated, peeved, woebegone’.  the weird thing is why I always run to you when I can’t find the way to release my forworn, you aren’t even my haven, and why I always you? Your concern, or its like your habit with every women, I don’t care, just thank you. HA HA
The best moment with you is when you said “look at your back” and I can saw  clearly the lamps stars from Bandung’s night. Pasupati bridge stay like the most loyal thing. You are just like my big brother, annoy boy, caring friend, and ‘man with good manner’ haha. The way you take care of me is not anyone can do that.  Thank you, and thank you.  
You show me the best place, with stars and sun. thank you.
Lately, its difficult to meet you. I’m wondering why? And I think maybe you meet the kind person, with cute smile in her face, with long hair, and of course beautiful. If that’s all true. I’ll be happy, and finally.. yeaaay congratulation.
 Its true, she sent me message, haha
And then, you come, again. With more comfortable, with those smile and still make me confused. So what do you mean? You are so mean! Playin what you like, and then go and then come back and stay. I just afraid you will fade away like before, I like flowers, you know. I Gave you flowers, you smiled.
Its so tired. I don’t know you. Who are you. Who are the old you, the now you. I don’t know. How many girls do you have. How good are you to other girls. You know what I mean. I don’t know. You didn’t even tell me. I didn’t ask you to come back, just stay comfy like before. But you keep coming. And make the fidgety. I hate this felling. Stay? So stay comfy. Leave? Sure please. But don’t ask more. You are liar, player and I know. mian. HAHA
Let not fallin in love.

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aku tidak pandai bicara, menghitungpun aku tak pintar. lebih baik menuliskan agar bisa terdengar. maafkan segala kekurangan,terimakasih sudah membaca..