ketika tak bisa bicara, maka tuliskanlah, jika tak mampu menuliskan, maka tersenyumlah, setidaknya mereka tidak akan tahu jika kamu sedang tidak baik baik saja..


Rabu, 30 November 2016

And then…..

Finally, I realized that the most comfortable place is my home! There is no one will hurt me or make me looks bad. Thanks God, you make that place called Home. You fulfill that place with angles, called mom and dad. Just thanks. Wish you allow me to take some time, until I finish doing my business and then  my turn will going well, serve my angles like they did before to me, Dear Go, Just thanks a lot.

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aku tidak pandai bicara, menghitungpun aku tak pintar. lebih baik menuliskan agar bisa terdengar. maafkan segala kekurangan,terimakasih sudah membaca..